The fastest way to submit your documents to us is to upload your documents from your account on using the following steps:
1. Log in to with your registered mobile number.
2. Click on Start verification it will redirect you to the Job verification Page.
3. You will get an option to verify your company Email ID. You can verify through a verification link or through an OTP that will be sent to your company Email ID.

4. If you do not have a Company Email ID. You can select "Manual KYC Verification” and choose any one document from the drop-down menu.
Personal PAN Card
Driving License
Aadhaar Card

5. Select “Personal PAN Card” for quicker verification with Selfie.

5 a. Please read the terms of service carefully and click on the consent box.

5 b. Click on “Start Verification” to begin the PAN verification process.

5 c. On clicking “Start Verification”, you will get an option, “Upload your Personal PAN card”. Allow permission to access photos if requested.
5 d. Once you upload the PAN card, the “Take Photo” option will appear. Click a real-time Selfie.

5 e. Once this is done a window will appear based on 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1: You will receive a message. “PAN verified”. This would mean the uploaded PAN image & Selfie have matched.
Click on “Continue”.
Scenario 2: If you receive a message, “Verification Underway”. Your documents will soon be verified by our internal team.
Click on “Continue”.

6. If you do not have a PAN Card, you can also verify through other documents such as Driving License or Aadhaar Card alternatively.
6 a. For Driving License Select “Driving License” and enter your Driving License Number. Upload the Photo of your Driving License, please note the details on the Driving License uploaded, Driving License number entered and the name on your account should match.

6 a.1. Please read the terms of service carefully, click on the consent box and Submit.

6 b. For an Aadhar Card, Select “Aadhar Card” and enter your Aadhar Number. Please note the details on the Aadhar uploaded, Aadhar number and the name on your account should match.

6 b.1. Please read the terms of service carefully, click on the consent box, and click on Verify now.

7. Verify the company details by choosing any one of the documents listed in the drop-down.

7a.For an GST Certificate, Select “GST Certificate” and enter your Company GST Certificate Number. Please note the details on the GST Certificate uploaded, Company name on the GST certificate and the name of company on your account should match. Once done click on Verify now to proceed.
7b.For a Company PAN Card, select “Company PAN Card” and enter your Company PAN Card Number.Please note the details on the Company PAN Card Number uploaded, Company name on the PAN CARD and the name of company on your account should match. Once done Click on “Verify Now” to proceed.
7c.For a CIN, select “CIN” and enter your CIN Number. Please note the details on the CIN uploaded, Company name on the CIN and the name of company on your account should match. Once done Click on “Verify Now” to proceed.
7d. For a FASSI Certificate select “FASSI Certificate” and enter your FSSAI Certificate Number. Please note the details on the FSSAI Certificate Number uploaded, Company name on the FSSAI Certificate and the name of company on your account should match. Once done Click on “Verify Now” to proceed.
7e.For a Shops & Establishment License, select “Shops & Establishment License Number” and enter your Shops & Establishment License Number. Upload the certificate image. Ensure that the details on the uploaded license, including the Company Name, match the name on your account. Once done, click “Verify Now” to proceed.
8 . Once you have submitted the details, please sit back and relax, we will notify you on your registered number.